I wrote this poem when I was a teenager. It has new meaning for me now. I hope it means whatever it means to you and your future you... now.
Where is my friend?
I was floating down the river
I grabbed onto a tree
The tree gave me a sliver
And it grabbed a hold of me
I left the branch to shaking
The pain grabbed my hand
With calm enjoyment breaking
I grabbed onto the land
The land felt one sided
It helped the tree to grow
The love he felt, he hid it
And he slowly let me go
Where is my friend?
Why am I alone with these waves?
Where is my friend?
Why am I alone?
The sand slipped through my fingers
I couldn't hold the beach
The walls of rivers linger
The hope slipped out of reach
The rock was drowned with doubt
I couldn't grasp the stone
I wanted to get out
But I couldn't get out alone
The panic was endurant
Terror began to win
I grabbed onto the current
And it began to take me in
Where is my friend?
Why am I alone with these waves?
Where is my friend?
Why am I alone?
The water whirled around me
I felt my future die
Forces tried to drown me
I looked up to the sky
I realized this was not the end
I'd been doing this all wrong
I looked and there I saw my friend
He was there all along
I felt the cold and dark depart
The world became warm
I felt a mighty change of heart
And He grabbed my outstretched arm
There is my friend
I'm glad I'm not alone with these waves
There is my friend
I'll never be alone